Permanent residence

Get a permanent resident status of a European Union country fast and easy

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Benefits of obtaining permanent residency of another country

Visa-free travel

Status of a permanent resident allows its owner to freely visit EU and Schengen countries for up to 90 days.

European education for children

Permanent residency provides the opportunity for resident`s child to attend kindergartens, public schools and universities free of charge.

European education for children

Permanent residency provides the opportunity for resident`s child to attend kindergartens, public schools and universities free of charge.

The ability to apply for citizenship

After several years of living in the European Union as a permanent resident, it`s possible to apply for a passport.

Official employment

Cardholders are eligible to work for prestigious companies in all countries which are part of the EU.

Official employment

Cardholders are eligible to work for prestigious companies in all countries which are part of the EU.


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Benefits of legal support

Without us
With us
Independent procedure completion
Correct dossier formation
Without legal assistance, the applicant has to collect a documents package for permanent residence and solve other complex immigration problems.
Migration experts prepare documents in accordance with the legislation requirements of the certain EU state.
Lack of knowledge about legal aspects
Turnkey permanent resident status
Taking into account the nuances and aspects of the procedure is mandatory to achieve the desired result and the applicant may leave they out of account.
Specialists provide legal support services at all stages of the procedure and advice on emerging issues.
Large time investment
Achievement of the immigration goals
Due to the lack of legal support in solving an immigration issue, a longer period may be required.
Owing to the responsible attitude of lawyer to their job, the applicant receives a card without additional delays.

Seps to obtain permanent residency


Contacting the lawyers. Migration specialists analyze the client`s situation and provide answers to his questions regarding the status obtainment.


Dossier formation. Lawyers assist the applicant in properly preparing all necessary documents, adhering to established requirements.


Request submission. Accompanied by experts, the applicant arrives at authorized immigration authority to apply for resident status.


Obtainment of a permanent resident card. After notification about a decision on the application, in the presence of lawyers the client receives a document, confirming his right to permanently reside in the EU country.

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