Permanent residence of Germany

Term up to 12 months

German permanent residence allows foreigners to live indefinitely in a rapidly developing state with a stable economy. Temporary residents, who have been in the country for at least 5 years, for example, on the basis of work or another reason, as well as repatriates, can request a card.

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Advantages of obtaining German permanent residence:

Access to German medicine

High wages

Travel across the EU without visas

Immigration with family

A permanent resident of Germany has the right to be serviced in modern European clinics within the framework of an insurance policy.

According to the Federal Statistical Office of Germany, the average salary in 2022 was about 2,383 EUR.

A permanent resident has the right to be on the territory of any EU country for up to 3 months in total every six months.

The owner of a permanent residence permit can request a residence permit for a spouse, minor and unmarried children.

This program is suitable for you if you want to:

  1. In 2023, Germany ranked 11th in the international Quality of Life Index among European countries, overtaking Sweden, Portugal, Belgium, France.

  1. Persons who have registered a company in the country and have received a German permanent residence permit are entitled to carry out entrepreneurial activities on the single market of the European Union.

  1. Permanent residents of Germany can study at public universities in this country and at the same time have the right to apply for scholarships and/or grants.

  1. Owners of permanent residence permits have the right to open accounts, as well as use other services of German financial institutions, which are among the most reliable in the world.

What does the help of immigration lawyers consist of:

Without us:
With us:
Insufficient information
Up-to-date information
The German government regularly amends the country’s immigration legislation, so the applicant may have outdated data at the time of requesting permanent residence.
Specialists notify the client about important changes in German legislation, so the applicant provides an up-to-date package of documents when requesting permanent residence.
Mistakes in compiling a dossier
Competently formed dossier
The absence of even one document in the applicant’s case can lead to an extension of the period for considering a permanent residence request and a delay in obtaining immigration status.
Immigration specialists check the client’s dossier for the presence of all required documents and thus minimize the risk of rejection by German state bodies.
Incorrect interpretation of laws
Understanding all the nuances
The applicant may misunderstand the requirements specified in the immigration legislation, which will lead to a missed opportunity to arrange permanent residence in Germany.
International law specialists tell the client about the requirements that need to be met, as well as about possible options for legalizing their stay in the country.

Why us:

International experience

Personal approach

Legal support

Multilingual assistance

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Stages of the immigration process


Submission to the company and receiving a consultation. The lawyer answers the client`s questions, analyzes his situation and selects the most suitable way of immigration.


Formation of a dossier. The migration specialist provides assistance in preparing the required documents and, if necessary, requests missing certificates through access to the state archives.


Submission of a request to governmental bodies. The applicant, together with a lawyer, visits an authorized institution to submit an application and dossier.


Obtaining requested status and documents. In the presence of migration lawyer, a document (residence permit, permanent residence card or passport of an EU country) is issued to the applicant.

Find an answer to your question:

  1. The applicant needs to demonstrate knowledge of the German language (level B1), legal, social norms of the country, confirm the presence of a stable income and absence of receiving material assistance from state authorities, prove the fact of making pension insurance contributions.

  1. The spouse, minor and unmarried children of a permanent resident of Germany, who have received a temporary residence permit on the basis of family reunification, can request permanent residence after 5 years of living in the country.

  1. Permanent residence holders are endowed with the same rights and obligations as citizens of the country. The only restriction - permanent residents of Germany cannot participate in elections (as voters and/or candidates).

  1. The applicant should expect that the entire procedure will take him about a month. The main stages of the process include consultation with an immigration specialist and concluding a contract with him, preparing and forming a required package of documents, submitting an application to an authorized state body in Germany.

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