Term up to 12 months
Permanent residence in Spain gives the status holder the right to live in the country for an unlimited period of time. A resident card can be issued by an immigrant who has legally resided in the country for 2-5 years or has married its citizen.
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Permanent residents of Spain who have lived in the country on a legal basis for 10 years can obtain a local passport, which will give them all the rights and obligations of European Union citizens.
Spain is considered one of the safest European countries, which held 22nd place in the world ranking of countries by crime index, ahead of Latvia, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Greece.
Compared to other EU countries (for example, Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Sweden), prices for food, utilities, entertainment, and real estate in Spain are significantly lower.
The government promotes the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the country, providing companies registered in Spain with tax benefits, grants, and other financial assistance.
Why us:
Personal approach
Complete confidentiality
Assistance in preparing the dossier
Competent lawyers
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